Peer Reviewed Publications
Sharkey, C. N., Elkins, J. E., & Strickland, C. (2023). Resisting curriculum violence and developing anti-oppressive, trauma-informed, culturally sustaining approaches for social work education and practice. In L. S. Abrams, S. E. Crewe, A. J. Detlaff, and J. H. Williams (Eds.), Social Work, White Supremacy, and Racial Justice: Reckoning with Our History, Interrogating Our Present, Reimagining Our Future. Oxford University Press.
Strickland, C., & Sharkey, C. N. (2022). Power knowledge in social work: Educating social workers to practice racial justice. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 1-8.
Lee, S., Bae, J., Sharkey, C. N., Caplan, M., Bakare, O. H., & Embrey, J. (2022). Professional social work and public libraries in the United States. Social Work, 66.
Sharkey, C. N., Elkins, J. E., & Johnson, Z. (2021). Creating Trauma-Informed Library Spaces: Lessons Learned from a Pilot Program. Journal of Social Work Education.
Briggs, H. E., Cox, W., Sharkey, C. N., Corley, N., Briggs, A. C., & Black, M. (2016). The role of behavioral theory in model development research with single parent families. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 33(4), 349-363.
Briggs, H. E., Sharkey, C. N., & Briggs, A. C. (2016). The contributions of applied behavior analysis and behavior theory to innovative research and practice cultures in social work. The Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work.
Film Study Guides
Briggs, H. E., Cox, W., Sharkey, C. N., Briggs, A., & Black, M. (2015). A review of the research on Pinkston’s single-parent group training program. Research on Social Work Practice: Special Issue, Intervention Research.
Sharkey, C. N. (2015). Cancer doesn’t discriminate: Developing an LGBTQ culturally competency approach to whole-patient care. 15th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference Publication, University of Georgia.
Sharkey, C. N. (2024). Outta the Muck: A curriculum guide. ITVS for Public Broadcasting.
Sharkey, C. N., & Gibbons, J. (2015). The Throwaways: A study guide. Third World Newsreel.
Toledo, W., Flint, M. A., Sharkey, C. N., McCollum, S. R., Ferrari, B., Paseda, O., Cottrell, A. (2023). Building community through feminist collectivity: Being and becoming women in academia. Gender and Education.
Manuscripts In Preparation
Sharkey, C. N., Suchak, B., & Henry, D. In youth we trust: Cultivating community with young people through filmmaking. (Book proposal).
Haber, E., Sharkey, C. N., Banks, L., & Briggs, H.E. (Under Review). Black fathers and multi-partner fertility: A scoping review. [Special issue]. Child Welfare: Fathers and Child Welfare - Conceptual Frameworks, Theoretical Foundations, Empirical Approaches, and Innovations in Research and Practice, 102(1).
Kapur, I., Sharkey, C. N., & Malorni, A. Digitalization and ICT in social work education: A scoping review.
Kapus, I., & Sharkey, C. N. Artificial intelligence in social work: A scoping review.
Sharkey, C. N.. Fully engaged: Multimodal learning and building reflexive practices in social work education.
Sharkey, C. N. Run, hide, fight: The history of school mass shootings and active shooter drills in 0-12 public schools.
Sharkey, C. N., & Elkins, J. E.. Bridging the research-practice gap: An intradisciplinary model for transforming spaces to promote social inclusion, resilience, and trauma-informed care.
Bae, J. E., Sharkey, C.N., Elkins, J., Caplan, M., & Scheyett, A.. Assessing readiness for trauma informed care and social work services in a public library.